Thursday, March 3, 2011

Building Project / Job Site

This trip will be to Morogoro, which is west of Dar es Salaam about 120 miles.  Unlike previous years, we will be constructing an entirely different building.  We will be assembling 8 steel framed "tabernacles".  They are metal framed structures with metal roofs. No walls or floors, just footings.  We'll assemble these to form 4 buildings: a dormitory, kitchen/dining room, classrooms, & principal's home.  They are being shipped from the states.
In the past we've built a church or dorm using 60 lb. solid cement block.  I can't speak for everyone but I believe we are all thankful for not having to deal with block this year.  I am sure our backs are thankful too!  I've attached a couple photos showing the structure.

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