Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 5

Day 5

We've gone on 3 game drives, 2 evenings and 1 morning, and saw many animals. Last night we came across a female lion and 2 older cubs laying near the road we were on. They were starting to wake up from their afternoon naps and were very playful; rolling around, climbing on trees and jumping in and out of bushes. We simply sat and observed them for over an hour until they began to head out to find food for the night.

This morning we drove out to the "hippo pool" which was a large pond covered mostly with water plants. We did spot 5 hippo inthe water who peeked out through the plants for only a few seconds at a time. We were able to get a couple decent photos of them.

We also spent an hour or so observing a herd of elephant (18?) along with a very young calf. The herd started about 100 yards away from us but ended up walking between our jeeps to cross the road we were on. One large male decided to take a mud bath 20 feet away. He started by digging in the soft mud to create puddles of water. Then proceeded to suck up trunk after trunk of muddy water and cover his entire body. It was an amazing site. We also saw many giraffe, cap horn buffalo, wilde beast, zebra, jackels, impala, elan and hundreds of different types of birds.

Around our camp there are many dangerous animals to watch out for. We are in a very lush jungle where a leopard was sighted yesterday very close to the dining room. There are also warnings of black mamba, puff adder and spitting cobra.

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