Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 6

It's Saturday and we went on a morning and evening safari. We saw many animals including a male lion and leopard. The weather and fellowship has been fantastic, however our thoughts keep going back to Japan and the lack of information we have about the tragedy. Tomorrow we leave the park and drive 5 hours back to Dar es Salaam. Some of the group will stay in Dar and others are heading to the island of Zanzibar before heading back home on Tuesday.

Here are a few photos from our day.


  1. You look like a bunch of CalTrans workers - 3 doing the work and 3 supervising. At union wages, of course.

  2. WOW. i CANT get over these pictures!! AMAZING. Ive enjoyed tracking along via the blog. Praying for you guys, as well as the team!!

  3. I don't see any protection from the lions on that jeep! Did you guys really go to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Park?
