Monday, March 14, 2011


It's Tuesday morning. For the last couple of days half of the team has been hanging out in Dar es Salaam and the other half is on the island of Zanzibar, a 20 minute plane ride away. We are preparing for the 30 hour trip back to California. The weather on the coast is warm and humid. Temperature is in the low 90's with humidity 80-90%.

Zanzibar is a totally different experience than Tanzania. 96% of the 1,000,000 people are Muslim and the architecture and clothing reflect the religious influence. We were previleged to be able to have a couple of days to explore this very exotic island. Monday we did a tour of the slave trade that took place here which was the hub for all the eastern african slave movement. The sobering history of mans inhumanity to man was almost unbearable to listen to. One of the reasons for the abolishment of legal slave trade was due to christian missionaries who laid their lives down to stop the human trafficking.

We then took a small boat to an island refered to as "Pirate Island" to do a little snorkeling. The Indian ocean water is the warmest water any of us has ever felt. We do feel a little guilty that we are "vacationing" at this point and have had a very relaxing time. Maybe this time is for us to reflect on the many blessings that we have living in the United States and the liberties that we experience and take for granted everyday. We are very home sick for our families, friends and church families and can't wait to come home and share our life changing experiences and how the Lord had blessed us with eyes to see and ears to hear.

The people of Tanzania and Zanzibar are very warm and engaging which makes us all feel the pull to come back and do anything in our way to help. All in all another wonderful time of fellowship and serving which we humbly give thanks to God for the grace and blessings that have been bestowed on the whole team.

Thank you to all who have prayed and supported us.

God Bless,
Greg and Scott


  1. You both look great! Anxious to see you as well.

  2. We're all so thankful this has been a blessed ministry and you are doing well. You have been in our prayers! Can't wait to see you. Had to use Sarah's account to leave message:)
    Blessings on you guys and look forward to see you soon in Auburn
    Greg Denham
